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tv   KPIX 5 News Early Edition  CBS  November 21, 2013 4:30am-5:01am PST

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friday. >> you're so happy. >> of course! it's been raining! there is more rain out there now. our hi-def doppler radar is showing you some pretty impressive downpours, continuing through livermore into parts of the east bay. you will see that scattered about. when will it end? we'll let you know coming up. >> even with the wet weather, things are quiet no major accidents. here's a live look at the slick conditions if you are heading towards the bay bridge toll plaza. already, some slight delays coming into san francisco and there is some roadwork on the ine. so much more on the morning commute coming up. >> thank you, liz. new this morning a driver of a utility truck led rohnert park and chp on a high-speed clays on a southbound 101. it began around 1:30 a.m. on golf course drive when officers tried to pull over a utility truck because a headlight was out. the driver sped off. spike strips caused the truck to hit an suv. the driver bailed from the car, ran on foot. officers tackled him to the
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ground just a short time later. it all started with a downed power line, then caltrain came to a halt and part of the peninsula went dark. kpix 5's andria borba reports from san mateo on the nightmare commute that followed. >> reporter: it's not until you throw a light on the crowd that you see how nasty the commute was. and that's the point. around 6:15 a power line snapped and fell on the rails bringing train commuters out of the car and into the night. >> the typical -- if there's a problem down the line, we'll get back to you, we'll get back to you, we'll get back to you. and finally here we are. >> i'm not exactly sure where we are. but, ha ha, what town are we in? >> you're in san mateo. >> oh, okay, good, thank you. >> reporter: both north- and southbound trains were stopped with buses bridging the miles. no lights in the parking lot, no lights in most of the city of san mateo making headlamps the fashion accessory of the evening. >> we and a good portion of san
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mateo lost our power, so we got kind of bored so we decided to take wilma for a walk tonight. >> reporter: with both commute and home miserable and dark, everyone had a question. >> do you guys know when the power is coming back on? >> it's back on in san mateo after crews fixed the downed line overnight. the rain for the most part has moved out but it caused some big problems in the bay area yesterday. water overwhelmed storm drains on highway 101 in san francisco creating this freeway waterfall. you see it there. in san jose, we saw some people trying to dodge the downpours without an umbrella and cars splashing through huge puddles. san jose actually had three- quarters inch of rain. some of the bay area actually got well over an inch. efforts are under way to free an 85-year-old palo alto man who has been detained in north korea for three weeks. kpix 5's betty yu got reaction from some of merrill newman's friends. >> reporter: it's been more than three weeks since anyone
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has heard from 85 korean war veteran merrill newman, the world traveler detained in north korea at the end of a sightseeing trip taking off his flight home to palo alto. >> i feel like it's a bad movie or something. i -- i still can't believe and we've known for quite a while that it's real. i just feel he is the easiest man to talk to and the nicest and i just can't believe this could happen. >> reporter: long-time neighbors and friends marilyn and james coughlin know newman to be adventurous. they can't make sense of his detainment. >> and old retired guy, i mean, what's the threat exactly? >> reporter: daniel snyder a north korean expert at stanford is also looking for answers. >> this is, unfortunately, a kind of barbaric behavior on the part of the north koreans. you have to wonder why this happens. >> reporter: newman's son told anderson cooper tonight that the day before his flight his father met with north korean officials who talked about his
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army service in the korean war. newman apparently thought nothing of it until he was escorted off the plane. he traveled with a friend from their channing house retirement community who said in a statement today, there has to be a terrible misunderstanding. i hope that the north koreans will see this as a humanitarian matter and allow him to return to his family as soon as possible. in palo alto, betty yu reporting. >> the u.s. does not have diplomatic relations with north korea. so newman's family has been working with state department officials and the swedish embassy in an effort to get him released. meanwhile, the u.s. issued a warning against travel to north korea citing the risk of arbitrary arrests of u.s. citizens. a korean-american kenneth bae was detained in north korea last year accused of illegal missionary work. he was sentenced in april to 15 years of hard labor. bae is the longest serving u.s. detainee in north korea since the war ended in 1953. 4:34 now. a transgender remembrance ceremony at oakland's frank
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ogawa plaza paid tribute to a person hailed as a good samaritan. dan gale was on that ac transit bus this months when someone set a person's skirt on fire. gale rushed to help 18-year-old luke fleischman using his sweatshirt to smother the flames. >> i'm not a hero. i'm not a hero. i don't think so. no. just somebody needed help and i just did what i could do. just glad it worked out that i could be there for him. >> police are still searching for a second person who helped out. the suspect, 16-year-old richard thomas, is charged as an adult and faces felony charges with hate crime enhancements. 4:35 right now. let's get our first check on weather. >> still got some showers but looks like it's winding down. what a change in the next few days. out there, though, we have scattered showers showing up on our hi-def doppler radar. of course, we had that heavy rainfall yesterday. and now we continue to see those showers rotating on
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through. taking you in for a closer look. heavier rainfall in the livermore valley. watch out for that. you have strong cells moving through that area and out of pleasanton and just to the north of that, you can see some more storms rotating through. those are all spreading south. so you get the idea that the storm system beginning to wind down but not quite done with us yet. a lot of clouds over the bay right now. the temperatures mainly holding in the 50s outside. i think by the afternoon, i think things dry out. we'll see a little more sunshine. temperatures a little bit warmer. 65 degrees in santa rosa and 62 in san francisco. 58 and those winds likely to start kicking up later on, too. we'll have more on that in a moment. right now let's check your "kcbs traffic" with elizabeth. >> thanks, lawrence. and we will take you outside show you some of this wet weather and slick conditions on the roadways. fortunately, no major accidents and a lot of the overnight roadwork on 880 is suspended because of the showers. this is 880 at the coliseum, fine but take it slow.
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problem-free out of hired. no big advisories, no -- out of hayward. no big advisories between hayward and foster city. and lawrence said the rain is coming down in the livermore valley. you can see it. this is our dublin-pleasanton cam westbound 580. starting to get crowded already coming through the altamont pass. mass transit all on time. that's the latest "kcbs traffic." back to you guys. this next photo might shock you. a 185-mile-an-hour crash not only do the racers survive, rachael kim says he is already back at work. >> reporter: on sunday, 55-year- old brian gillespie was eager to secure his lead by breaking his own record at a land speed racing event at el mirage dry lake. as he accelerated up to 185 miles per hour, he suddenly loses control and flips at least a dozen times before nosediving to the ground. debris from his honda insight flying everywhere. the car comes to a stop on its roof. >> the biggest concern of course you have is not knowing
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the condition of the driver. >> reporter: doug mcmillan is his friend add crew chief. he watched as emergency crews arrived not knowing how bad gillespie was injured. they eventually flipped over the car and saw. >> was really hartening to see that the driver brian my friend was indicating as soon as the car came to a stop he was waving with his hand saying hey, i'm okay. >> reporter: gillespie had to be cut out of the car. he suffered a collapsed lung, gash on his leg and bruising. brian gillespie is back at home in phoenix right now. we spoke to him over the phone. he says he is doing remarkably well and he is even back at work. but because of the concussion he suffered, he has no memory of what happened. in fact, he says, when he watches the video, he feels detached. reporting from torrence, rachael kim, kpix 5. >> gillespie's group credits his survival to the extensive equipment national car and he was strapped in very well. police say a high school student in santa rosa stabbed
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his teacher over and over again with a pencil. the 16-year-old ran off when his classmate at midrose high intervened. the teacher wasn't badly injured. police later found the boy at a relative's home and arrested him. the apaches are out as vallejo high school's mascot. as kpix 5 reporter christin ayers reports, the school board responded to pressure from indian activists. [ chanting ] >> reporter: impromptu drumming broke out moments after vallejo's school board voted to get rid of vallejo high school's mascot the apache. most of the people who spoke called the mascot racist insensitive a relic. >> i am not a relic from antiques road show. i am a living and human being and i am not a mascot. >> i think societal attitudes have changed and you just need to find another mascot. >> we should save the apaches and i'm going to fight for our mascot.
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>> reporter: this student wound up fighting in tonight's meeting after critics took exception to her apache sweatshirt. >> that's a racist logo. >> it's a softball so sit down -- >> it doesn't matter. >> reporter: opponents went so far as to call the apache mascot an honor for native americans. >> it's not racism. it's trying to show the people that they do exist. >> reporter: the debated here, a microcosm of what is happening on the national stage, a movement gaining steam to rename the washington redskins football team. the vallejo school board made a statement loud and clear. >> we're very happy affirmative yes. >> reporter: ending a tradition that some said was toxic. it will be expensive to remove the emblem from throughout the school and replace the mascot so the board says those changes won't -- will happen over time. christin ayers, kpix 5. >> the apaches will be officially retired when the class of 2014 graduates in june. a design team will come up with some ideas for a new mascot and
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it will be decided by a vote of staff and students. the winning selection is expected to be announced in january. 4:41 on this thursday. a woman is gunned down over a fender-bender and now police believe they know who is responsible for her death. >> could [ indiscernible ] take control of your car? the new research showing how disturbingly easy it would be. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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and now police want everyon be on the lookout for a many say welcome back. 4:43. a woman is murdered after a fender-bender in san francisco. now police want everyone to be on the lookout for a man they say is extremely dangerous. kpix 5 reporter joe vazquez with how it all unfolded. >> reporter: amanda blake is mourning the death of her daughter, she is learning the san francisco police released the name and picture of the man who is suspected of killing
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her, michael green. >> face it. you did it the crime. you got to do the time. >> very, very dangerous person. he is obviously a big guy, 5'11", 230, long hair. >> reporter: green is 23 years old, tongan and probably lives on the peninsula. >> nobody should approach this suspects. any sees him, it's a 911 call. >> reporter: early sunday morning green was with a woman described as more than 6 feet tall, also a pacific islander. they got into a fender-bender accident outside a south of market club called omg. after the wreck, witnesses say green and his woman friend got violent with melquiesha and her friend of hayward as they were trying to calm the lady down. >> they said one woman got out the car with him from the gentleman. she went to try to open the car. but she couldn't smash it out. he said, move out the way.
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i got this. and just opened fire. 15 rounds into that girl? that's wrong. then he went around and shot my daughter twice, once in the face and once in the head. by the time i get to the hospital, even before i get to the hospital, they tell me my daughter is dead. >> reporter: joe vazquez, kpix 5. >> mrs. blake is making funeral arrangements for her daughter. niesha bean is still in the hospital. sfo says the self- evaluation of its response to the asiana crash reveals big problems. the emergency alert system fails making it more difficult to get the word out to airport staff. sfo is now looking for a new vendor. the airport also upgraded its website after it failed to keep up with the sudden surge in traffic. >> 4:45. another check of weather. we are on the back end of what was quite a mess yesterday. >> it was storm eve yesterday. we are still seeing heavy rainfall in parts of the bay area right now but more scattered and i think we'll wind things down this morning.
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out the door, it is still storming in the east bay. check it out on the hi-def doppler radar d heavy rainfall into livermore and north of that heavy rainfall working its way onshore right now. and it looks like spreading really to the south. showers continuing into san leandro about to hit hayward, as well. and so i think we'll see that throughout the morning hours and things beginning to clear up as most of the moisture is going to head south of us. still cloudy with showers outside this morning. be careful. this afternoon, skies begin to part and looks like the temperatures warm up in the 50s and mid-60s. that low is going to kick south. as it moves south it will drag the rain -- that wraparound moisture is causing showers early on. high pressure building in is going to make for windy conditions especially tonight and tomorrow. so we'll watch out for blustery winds over the mountaintops. computer models picking up the moisture headed south with the area of low pressure. skies clear out and looks like those winds will be kicking up
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tonight. very blustery over the mountaintops. temperatures around the state in the 60s in the central valley, snow in the high country toward lake tahoe, high there only 38 degrees. temperatures around the bay today 50s and 60s. then i think things are going to settle down over the next couple of days, much warmer maybe back to some 70s on friday. staying nice, windy but dry, as we head in toward the weekend. let's check your "kcbs traffic" with elizabeth. >> thanks, lawrence. and the rain and wet weather have not helped the marin county commute over the past couple of days. right now though everything is in the green. this has been the big problem spot from novato towards corte madera after just a couple different accidents and traffic alerts. right now overall the bay area is quiet. we saw slight delays through the pay gates in the cash lanes, the outer cash lanes the bay bridge. all those cleared up. there may be overnight roadwork for another 15 minutes or so for the incline towards yerba buena island. and westbound 580 a few taps. brake lights out of tracy and
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205 and continuing to maybe north flynn but overall you can beat the rush by heading out now. once you get through the livermore valley where lawrence says it is raining overall traffic looks okay but we can see some of the rain coming down in our dublin-pleasanton cam a little schmitzy out there westbound 580 so far at the limit past 680 in fact looks good towards strobridge and the castro valley y. all your drive times actually in the clear right now including up and down the nimitz freeway and the eastshore, 19 minutes from the carquinez bridge to the maze. but if you don't like to drive in the wet weather, try bart. so far everything is on time. and if you have any questions about your morning commute once you hit the roads, tune to kcbs radio 740-am and 106.9-fm. that's the latest "kcbs traffic report." back to you guys. imagine losing control of your car, you can't stop or do anything. tonight allen martin shows us how easy it would be for someone to hack your car. >> it's quite terrifying when you don't have brakes, right?
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>> reporter: a month after chris demonstrated for forbes magazine how he could hack in and take control of a car, he and his partner released details of their research at def con, one of the longest running and largest hacker conventions in the world. their findings are now plastered across the internet. kpix 5 first warned of the possibility of car hacking nearly two years ago. security expert brian con tow says it's a real threat. >> i would say you're actually driving your smartphones down the road. >> reporter: he says he released the information to hackers to help solve the vulnerable issue. >> you're going 199 miles per hour now even though that's apparently not the case. >> reporter: some cars have more than 30 of these small computers. valasek used a laptop to hack in. >> we were able to take control of the brakes, the steering wheel, seatbelts. tighten them. >> annoying. >> oh, my god [ beep beep. >> we could engage the brakes and regardless of what you did you couldn't move the car. >> reporter: imagine that at
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rush hour. >> a nightmare scenario. it hasn't been tested or proven yet. consider 100 cars on the golden gate, half brake, half accelerate, all at the same time. >> reporter: researchers in the university of washington, uc- san diego and rutgers university are looking into car hacking including the sensors in tires. >> the transmits wirelessly into the vehicle. >> reporter: a professor was able to remotely hack into tire pressure monitors that are required in most cars since 2008. they emit a signal allowing tire pressure to be checked electronically. >> we have 36 pounds of air in that tire. >> reporter: but using common lab equipment researchers were able to capture the tire monitor signal, rewrite it and send it back to the car triggering a dashboard warning light. >> and major the car think that its tires are flat when they're not. it is plausible that somebody uses this to stop you from the side of the road. [ beep ] >> reporter: matthew by his own
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admission has hacked into multiple cars using cellular technology. >> i could potentially unlock a car in denver or in new york from our office here in san francisco. >> reporter: his company has made it a mission to find the most technologically vulnerable cars on the road. >> this information we don't release publicly. we want to help people secure their vehicles. >> reporter: isek primarily works with car manufacturers, ford and chrysler taking steps to increase their security features. allen martin, kpix 5. >> coming up at 5:00 a key vote is scheduled for today in the dispute over the new bart contract. what it could mean for commuters. >> but first, batkid returns home after saving the city and now the little boy and his family are talking about the experience. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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our hi-def doppler radar still showing you more rain out there and some pretty impressive downpours out of pleasanton towards sunol and into fremont. we'll have more on your weather coming up. >> and even with the slick roads, surprisingly, everything looks okay. no major hot spots. here's a live look at 880 in oakland. full "kcbs traffic report" coming up. one of the most well known psychics of our time sylvia brown has died. brown died yesterday at san jose's good samaritan hospital. brown was a leader in the paranormal world for decades and often appeared on tv and radio shows, right here at kpix 5 in fact. she also wrote dozens of books. she died at the age of 77. well a damsel in distress, a mascot held hostage, arresting two evil villains all in a day's work for batkid's big san francisco adventure last week. this morning, little miles is home in siskiyou county. reporter trish close hung out with him and found out what his
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favorite part of the day was. [ singing ] >> reporter: this is a typical afternoon in the scott home, miles running around hiding from our camera, giggling and talking about his favorite super hero batman. >> i think we should get a dvd. >> of the old batman? >> mm-hm. >> from a small town like this to go to a huge city like that, it's all about your kid for a day. it's insane for us. we didn't -- pretty out of this world. >> reporter: the entire city came together so miles could save a damsel in distress, catch the riddler redhanded and his favorite part, the penguin. >> and then the penguin turned around. >> and apologized. >> turned nice. >> the riddler didn't. >> he is still in jail? >> mm-hm. >> reporter: when the family came home, they found an entire town welcoming them back. nick scott believes the whole thing brought his community
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closer together. the family wants to take this moment and not only thank those who helped them but they also want to keep the momentum going to help other families and other kids like miles. [ singing ] [ davey crockett ] >> reporter: as for miles, while his wish to save gotham city came true, he says he now has bigger fish to fry. >> next time i'm going to get that joker. >> next time he will. well, miles' adventure cost san francisco $105,000. >> and make a wish plans to fundraise to help pay the bill for the city. what a cute kid. >> good for miles. >> cute. >> he is singing still. >> absolutely. >> got it. 4:56 right now. back to the drawing board and another strike. bart board prepares to vote on a contract with its unions today. >> and a palo alto korean war veteran has been detained in north korea for almost three weeks. we'll have more on the puzzling details surrounding his confinement. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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it's been more than three weeks since anyone has heard from 85-year-old korean war veteran merrill newman. the world traveler was detained in north korea at the end of a sightseeing trip. >> i feel like it's a bad movie or something. i still can't believe that it's real. >> that's a racist logo. >> it's a softball. >> vallejo high is looking for a new mascot. the school board tossed out the apache after hearing arguments that the symbol was racist and insensitive. >> if they say no, where do we go? >> i can't anticipate that. that really is their decision. >> it took months of haggling and two crippling strikes. today, the bart board is poised to reject its own hard-fought union contract due to a costly mistake left in the final draft. from across the bay to around the world, the stories that matter on "kpix 5 news this morning."
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>> outstanding kick! >> your realtime captioner is mrs. linda m. macdonald. good morning, it's thursday, november 21. i'm michelle griego. >> hi, everyone. i'm frank mallicoat. it is 5:00. and between going out the door with a little bit of sunshine and rain? >> we are going to talk about this first. the power is back on in san mateo this morning. a power line snapped during last night's commute and landed on top of caltrain tracks. that plunged a lot of san mateo into darkness and stopped trains from running through the city. >> typical there's a problem down the line, we'll get back to you, back to you, back to you. and finally here we are. >> i'm not exactly sure where we are, but -- what town are we in? >> you're in san mateo. >> oh, okay, good, thank you. >> i'm glad she could help him out. it took about four hours to get caltrain


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